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This leading-edge book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the teachings of the Non-Physical entity Abraham, will help you understand the emotions that you’ve been experiencing all of your life. Instead of the out-of-control, knee-jerk reactions that most people have to their ever-changing life experience, this work will put those responses into a broader context. You’l This leading-edge book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the teachings of the Non-Physical entity Abraham, will help you understand the emotions that you’ve been experiencing all of your life.

EL VORTICE ABRAHAM HICKS PDF. Below, see Abraham’s response to the question that Jerry Hicks asked in the book, The Vortex about how we can deliberately acquire. The Science of Deliberate Creation Y. Abraham-Hicks Workshop Read more ».

Instead of the out-of-control, knee-jerk reactions that most people have to their ever-changing life experience, this work will put those responses into a broader context. You’ll come to understand what emotions are, what each of them means, and how to effectively utilize your new awareness of them. As you read, you’ll come to appreciate, and make peace with, where you are right now, even though there is so much more that you may desire.

Every thought you absorb will bring you to a greater understanding of your own personal value and will show you how to open your own doors to whatever you may wish to be, do, or have. And as you turn the last page of this book, you will very likely find yourself thinking, I have always known this, but now, I know this!

Includes a FREE CD excerpt from a live Art of Allowing Workshop with Abraham! Curl up one night and pick up this book to hear soothing words about how you can be, do, or have anything and how perfect and wonderful you are. Enter a magical land where entities of the nonphysical dimension enchant you and tell you all the things you could want to hear. Surrender your critical thinking skills and open your mind to the possibility of solely listening to your emotions for guidance.

You are getting sleepy.very sleepy. Let The Astonishing Power of Emotions take you on a Curl up one night and pick up this book to hear soothing words about how you can be, do, or have anything and how perfect and wonderful you are. Enter a magical land where entities of the nonphysical dimension enchant you and tell you all the things you could want to hear.

Surrender your critical thinking skills and open your mind to the possibility of solely listening to your emotions for guidance. You are getting sleepy.very sleepy. Let The Astonishing Power of Emotions take you on a magical journey as they convince you that you should use emotional reasoning rather than critical thinking skills. This book will help you delude yourself about any situation in your life.

Anything that is bothering you, there is an example of a way to talk yourself into feeling better, even without things changing. Will things change? After you delude yourself, it really won't matter.or will it? If you are wanting to change a situation in your life, this is not the book. If you want to convince yourself that everything is already fine and that you can make the best of this, this is the book for you. This book will not discriminate against whatever belief system you are coming from, but will steadily try to get you to look at the world from the perspective of the supposed Abraham, the entities that speak through Esther Hicks.

Beware: The effects of this book can lead to delusion, magical thinking, wishful thinking, irrational thinking, and overwhelming self-guilt regarding anything that is going wrong in your life. Other than that, venture on. 5 years a committed follower of these teachings: ultimately more harmful than helpful. These teachings do seem great and feel great at first, but eventually I found them harmful, not helpful. A word to the wise, if something seems too good to be true: IT IS. I was thoroughly committed to these teachings for 5 years. It took me on an emotional high.

I felt that my life was amazing and felt I knew the secrets of the universe. This is mainly what this book does: tells you all good news and teaches yo 5 years a committed follower of these teachings: ultimately more harmful than helpful. These teachings do seem great and feel great at first, but eventually I found them harmful, not helpful. A word to the wise, if something seems too good to be true: IT IS. I was thoroughly committed to these teachings for 5 years.

It took me on an emotional high. I felt that my life was amazing and felt I knew the secrets of the universe. This is mainly what this book does: tells you all good news and teaches you to manipulate your mood so you feel good about everything and deny anything negative. That's why it has all the rave reviews. Drugs would get rave reviews too if we didn't know any better;) So, does it work? It is a dangerous mix of helpful and harmful information. I know that I felt better and more empowered than ever, which tends to happen when you buy into a philosophy that says you are all-powerful, there is never any reason to feel bad, and you must feel good to get everything you want.

Lies can lead to positive change, can they not? The A-H material does promote self-worth, self-efficacy, a better outlook, considering what you want in life, etc. Some of the results I experienced were genuine shifts because of my more expanded thinking plus being in better touch with myself and believing in myself. But a lot of the results were emotional hype, temporary, ultimately unhelpful, and not based in truth. There are so many other avenues to an improved life, and I strongly recommend those that are not rife with falsehoods like the ones sprinkled liberally throughout the Abraham-Hicks ideology.

First of all, this information is being channeled from an unknown source. Abers don't care, they are fiercely in love with Abraham and think that they know everything they need to know by listening to beautiful words that fill them with hope and love and excitement. Now that I am no longer brainwashed, I can't believe how naive I was. Emotions can be manipulated.


Feeling good and right about something is not the highest level of truth or wisdom. Intense positive emotion can have a positive domino effect in your life for awhile, but it doesn’t mean the idea that made you feel good was pure truth and goodness. Please take care of where information is coming from. Don't romanticize entities as perfect, all-knowing, or all-loving. Only God is those things, so unless you foolishly believe Abraham is God, then take care to keep your wits about you just as you would if a charismatic human being was preaching to you. So who is Abraham? Abraham may describe himself as something like 'leading edge, nonphysical group consciousness.'

But really, who is Abraham? An astral entity. He can get away with saying whatever he wants because most people cannot even begin to verify the information!

El Vortice Hicks Pdf Converter 2017

It's all just vague and nice sounding, and people eat it up because they don't know any better. “Channeled” does not actually mean pure or honest or better or without an agenda. It simply means channeled! As for so-called 'manifesting,' during my Abrahaze I was over-the-moon to find the perfect item in a store, get a great parking space, find a nice apartment, have an inspiring conversation with a stranger, or come across a solution to some problem I'd been having: I was psyched to experience literally ANY synchronicity or “manifestation” as they were all signs of my specially cultivated 'point of attraction.' After my Abrahaze, I realized that this is just normal life. Synchronicity happened before and still happens now, solutions present themselves, people ask questions and the answers show up, just without the special story behind it. When you attach magical thinking and look for meaning in every experience, you find meaning whether it's there or not.

It reminds me of that time my family member had a psychotic episode and was finding secret meaning encoded in every event and item. That's what Abraham-Hicks taught me to do is see normal life through a special lens of magic and manifestation. When I finally stopped to look around, however, my life was just NOT any different from anyone else's.

I became practiced in thinking and feeling in a different way, but the life that is promised never came to be. My inner life was pumped up, but my outer life remained a “mixed bag” of “manifestations,” and was utterly comparable to everyone else’s life. If these teachings were presented as an emotional experience instead of a way to worldly success then-well, it sure wouldn't have a huge following, but it would be more honest. Instead it caused me problems.

Problems: -I was in denial about what was really going on in my life. Abraham teaches not to acknowledge reality but to focus on reality as you'd like it to be. I became way over-subjective about everything and gave more weight to the landscape of my inner life than to things that were really going on. This is thoroughly encouraged, but it is not effective nor does it change actual reality. Do you think the most successful people in the world really think this way—all about their emotions, exclusively subjective, purposely blind and delusional?

-I did not deal with things in normal, effective ways. Instead I tried to use my mind and emotions to 'attract' it.

El Vortice Hicks Pdf Converter

For instance, rather than set boundaries or end unequal friendships with people who used me, I focused on all the aspects I liked about these people. I wrote about great friendships. I chose to see only the positive and really FEEL it. This was supposedly changing my “vibration” rather than resisting so that only great friendships could be a part of my life experience. No, of course this did not work. Now imagine using that tactic in every area of your life! -I spent 5 years in this weird, brainwashed head space where nothing amazing was actually happening even though I believed it was.

When I check in with other Abers who are still holding tight to their dreams, I see the same thing: it’s all happening on the inside not in actual human life.When reality attempted to slip in, I would run back to this book, youtube videos, the Abe Forum, the Abraham meditations. Anything to keep me so-called 'on track.' This is very common amongst dedicated Abers. From inside the Abrahaze it feels like you’re doing the fine work of being a “deliberate creator” and staying powerfully focused. Now that I’m on the other side, I say it’s more like keeping oneself brainwashed.It led me to attempting to create and sustain emotional highs as often as possible. That is not wisdom, guys. I would liken this ideology to using drugs: avoid reality, chase highs, learn how to soothe (numb) your negative emotion.

Emotional and self mastery is one thing, what A-H teaches is something else entirely.It created a lot of inner frustration and denial in me because I was not spontaneously feeling my authentic emotions. Also, you can’t look away from the truth, choose to make up your own truth, and not register the dissonance of that deep down. I can now see this dissonance, frustration, and strain so clearly in the people I know who are still Abers:( -If the teachings aren't working for you, it's YOUR fault. It’s because you weren’t able to resist the ultimate vibration-destroying act of noticing that nothing is happening. It’s because your point-of-attraction was not where you thought it was. It’s because you weren't actually feeling as good as you thought you were. Abers themselves reinforce this amongst each other and point out possible areas where you’re holding resistance or not “doing the work.” The flaws of the teachings themselves are never responsible, of course.It taught me that emotions are my guidance system, but not in the normal, actually helpful way.

Instead our emotional guidance is skewed by Abraham-Hicks into a system for measuring how true something is: If the thought makes us feel good then it's supposedly a true, worthwhile thought that is aligned with Source Therefore Abraham's good-feeling words that we desperately want to believe in must be true-convenient! But this actually dismantles a person's built-in emotional protection, like telling Spiderman that his spidey senses-rather than informing him that something is not right—actually indicate that he ought to reach for jollier thoughts.

And according to A-H, our emotions indicate what we are manifesting: Good feelings mean good manifestations, bad feelings mean unwanted manifestations. So your basic, very human, very complex emotions get removed from their true context and become something to constantly steer around in pursuit of pleasing manifestations. This is such a misuse of emotion that it is confusing to a person at a very basic level and scrambles our intuition, critical thinking, and authentic experience. Not to mention that the Law of Attraction is not in fact operating based on your mood!

-This philosophy is so simplistic and claims to explain every facet of the world. Abers love this because people want to believe that they understand everything that happens in their lives, other people's lives, and the world at large. Abers can't help but feel special and superior because they supposedly know how everything works. Again, this is not wisdom.It taught me to avert my eyes from things going on in the world. The world does (believe it or not) contain problems, but A-H teaches that everything is perfect and to look at problems means making them worse.

So Abers feel very noble. They believe they are keeping the world at its best by simply turning the other cheek and feeling good. I'd like to survey people who have made the world a better place and see if this anesthetized approach was their secret to progress! -It isolated me from other people: I felt like I knew more than non-Abers, plus I didn't want to waste any time talking about normal subjects in non-Abraham-like ways.

After all, it could increase my resistance, make me feel something less than good, and mess up my vibration and my manifestations! -Abers give terrible advice that seems brilliant only if you are an Aber! Husband is cheating on you?

Work on your vibration because he could not have done this unless it was in your vibration. Addicted to alcohol? Take the path of least resistance, which might be continuing to drink. And what is an Aber's measure of success to know if this advice helped them?

If they feel renewed optimism, inspiration, and relief.These teachings appeal to those of us who really, really, really, really want to believe that the world works this way: short-cuts, effortlessness, everything you could ever want, a perfect world, no pain, no reason to ever feel bad. This book is full of sweet lies made to sound like the deepest wisdom and made to resonate with the part of us that wants it to be so.

Believing harder does not make it so. Having a large, brainwashed fan base also does not make it so.Having come out the other side, I can now see how perfectly all of Abraham’s concepts twist around each other to create an ideology that sustains itself despite being false. It is intoxicating to us. It incorporates spiritual truths that resonate deeply and make us feel like we have found something we have been missing. But it also incorporates pleasing lies that tempt us deeper and deeper into a false belief system. We are told that the more we believe, the better things will be for us, so we indoctrinate OURSELVES into believing fully. We squash any 'resistance' and critical thinking (and thus our natural warning system) that could mess up our manifestations.

We are trained to look for the evidence everywhere in order to improve our results, so we enthusiastically count every positive occurrence as proof and erroneously accept full responsibility for the negative or neutral results too. We are not controlling every circumstance, life is simply happening and we interpret it in terms of ourselves (.I recommend you google “illusion of control”). If we don’t get the results, our recourse is to focus more, hype ourselves up more, reinforce the false beliefs more. And we repeatedly return to Abraham for the key to making this unworkable system work, and all he does is talk circles around every question, repeat the same unworkable concepts, and fool us into believing that feeling happy is the real success. There is so much manipulation here, but when we internally consent to believe it for the sake of a better life, we accept this ideology as wisdom and truth and uncritically drink it all in. As for life after A-H, suffice it to say that the truth is always better than lies in the end, and my life has improved on the inside AND the outside.

The inner tension from living in such an unnatural state has lifted. I don't manipulate my mood or dream up fantasies and mistake it for accomplishment. My personal evolution is faster and more authentic without the distorted spiritual beliefs. And I am not handicapping my success in life by over-emphasizing emotional energy in a world that is so much more than that. I strongly recommend looking for inspiration elsewhere if you care about actual success, truth, and real evolution as a human being and soul.

These are not just books, they are an entire belief system, and I do not recommend this belief system for people who are serious about their spiritual growth. These teachings are deceptive and illusory. You will feel all-powerful and tapped into great wisdom, but you will be more confused than ever. Avoid the Abraham-Hicks materials, even if you are not planning on getting really deep into this.

After all, would you draw water from a contaminated well or sip a drink with poison in it? I also recommend forgetting about trying to 'manifest.'

I doubt that the most successful people in the world are bothering with the sort of content in these books. In fact I believe that they have reinforced completely different circuits inside themselves than those that A-H will help you reinforce.

A-H reinforces circuits that will make you LESS effective, not more. And for anyone reading this who is currently a committed Aber, consider the simplest explanation for why your stuff hasn't arrived (you know the stuff I mean). If reading this makes you feel bad, it is not because you're separating yourself from the knowledge of your inner being, it's because sometimes the truth just doesn't feel good. You are living on Earth, after all, not in heaven. (Edit: If you are interested in more on this topic, please see my profile for a link to my blog, Responsible Spirituality.). You actually do not manage the external world through internal states. In some ways, yes, because motivation and attitude can drive us and c Hi Majid.

You actually do not manage the external world through internal states. In some ways, yes, because motivation and attitude can drive us and change perception and action.

But one's personal emotions should not be confused with ruling what happens in the outside world. Everyone is entitled to their worldview, but if you would like to hear more of my own (and read many comments from others) then I invite you to visit my blog at responsiblespirituality.com 29. Dezember, 19:27 Uhr.

There is not one book written by Esther and Jerrmy Hicks that I could rate under 10 stars. But then again, it will not be for many people I know.

If it is for you, you will feel the same way, and you will be comprehending your Vortex. I recommend this book for anyone who has genuinely struggled with religion in their lives, and is called to that which is the much bigger picture. THis book can speak worlds if you are ready to receive it!

I cannot be greatful enough to have picked up this series of There is not one book written by Esther and Jerrmy Hicks that I could rate under 10 stars. But then again, it will not be for many people I know.

If it is for you, you will feel the same way, and you will be comprehending your Vortex. I recommend this book for anyone who has genuinely struggled with religion in their lives, and is called to that which is the much bigger picture. THis book can speak worlds if you are ready to receive it!

I cannot be greatful enough to have picked up this series of books which channel the wisdom of Abraham. I think this is the real deal.

I also think many readers misunderstand what it is that is being said. As i understand it: The point is-you are where you are and you must acknowledge that accurately (there are ways to do this) and once understood you then, and only then, have a choice. You can choose to feel better or worse. But only incrementally.

It is a process. If you choose to feel better, say feeling hatred and rage over despair and hopelessness-you are headed in the right direction. I I think this is the real deal.

I also think many readers misunderstand what it is that is being said. As i understand it: The point is-you are where you are and you must acknowledge that accurately (there are ways to do this) and once understood you then, and only then, have a choice. You can choose to feel better or worse. But only incrementally. It is a process.

If you choose to feel better, say feeling hatred and rage over despair and hopelessness-you are headed in the right direction. I think that the human population, in general, is mired in anger and revenge, which does feel better than insecurity, grief, depression and despair. Trouble is, they are mired, and revenge usually begets revenge so there is this awful cycle of hostility and violence, be it interpersonal, religious, cultural, political and so on. Like attracts like - that is the Law of Attraction and that governs the Universe.

Take it or leave it. As always, the Abraham-Hicks collaboration has co-created a wonderful reference for those who are looking for a better understanding of how to allow the manifestation of those things we desire. This edition offers an introduction to the Law of Attraction, with some supporting information on the Art of Allowing and the Science of Deliberate Intent in the early part. The majority of the book is a Q and A with Abraham-each question and answer filling a chapter.

Abraham-Hicks give suggestions for d As always, the Abraham-Hicks collaboration has co-created a wonderful reference for those who are looking for a better understanding of how to allow the manifestation of those things we desire. This edition offers an introduction to the Law of Attraction, with some supporting information on the Art of Allowing and the Science of Deliberate Intent in the early part.

The majority of the book is a Q and A with Abraham-each question and answer filling a chapter. Abraham-Hicks give suggestions for dealing with each situation by finding a way to get into alignment with what it is you want. Some may want to read this cover-to-cover. I, personally, am using it more as a reference for helping me get downstream on those areas of my life where I am most resistant to happiness as I encounter them. Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker and best-selling author. She has co-authored nine books with her husband Jerry Hicks, presents workshops on the Law of Attraction and appeared in the first release of the film The Secret.

The Hickses' books, including the best-selling series The Law of Attraction, are — according to Esther Hicks — Channelled from a group of non-physical entities ca Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker and best-selling author. She has co-authored nine books with her husband Jerry Hicks, presents workshops on the Law of Attraction and appeared in the first release of the film The Secret. The Hickses' books, including the best-selling series The Law of Attraction, are — according to Esther Hicks — Channelled from a group of non-physical entities called Abraham (Hicks describes what she is doing as tapping into 'infinite intelligence'). Esther Hicks was born in Coalville, Utah. She married her current husband, Jerry Hicks, in 1980 and has one daughter by her former marriage.

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Esther Hicks's material was the inspiration behind 'The Secret'.