Secretele Comunicarii Larry King Pdf Files


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It was May 1957, and Larry Zeiger was getting ready to go on TV for the first time. But there was a hitch: a few minutes before airtime, the general manager of the station called him in and asked, “What name are you going to use?” “Larry Zeiger,” Zeiger said. “You can’t use that,” the manager replied.

The name was confusing, and besides that, “too ethnic.” The manager pointed to the Miami Herald, which was open to a page for King’s Wholesale Liquors. “How about Larry King?” Zeiger responded, “That sounds good!” And the rest is history. Later on, Larry King officially changed his name and went on to become a TV legend. This spring, King came to Fortune to talk about the 60th anniversary of his first day on television. In a wide-ranging interview, he touched on Trump, Russia, and the future of the TV industry. Watch the video above for the full interview. Here are some of the highlights: On Trump: “I’ve always liked him personally.

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He’s been very good to me. Free online video cutter and editor. I’ve read some terrible things that I’m sad about. He’s never done anything bad to me.

I want to be optimistic.” On wearing suspenders: After he recovered from a heart attack, he was back on TV and feeling good, but he had lost a lot of weight. One day over dinner, his ex-wife suggested to him, “Why don’t you try suspenders?” After he wore them for the first time on the air, people started calling in to say that they liked the look.

The suspenders became a signature item ever since. On the changing TV landscape: “What I did in the late 50s is what I’m doing now. Just transmitted differently.”. © 2017 Time Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our and. Fortune may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website.

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NEW YORK (Reuters) - For a complete history of broadcasting, you do not need to go through archives or visit a museum. Just have a chat with Larry King. The iconic broadcaster, now 83, is coming up on 60 years in the business, having first started on radio on May 1, 1957. Along the way he has interviewed everyone from Eleanor Roosevelt (yes, really) to the current president (more than 100 times, he estimates). For the latest in Reuters’ “Life Lessons” series, King - still working constantly, with his show “Larry King Now” on Ora TV - sat down to distill those tens of thousands of interviews into a few words of wisdom. Q: Growing up in Brooklyn, who were your biggest influences?

A: My father was a big influence, but he passed away when I was nine. That was a big blow, and I took it very badly. I almost felt like he left me. But I took that emotion and used it to forge ahead.

I eventually left Brooklyn at 23, but Brooklyn never left me. It will always be a part of me. Q: Your dad died when you were 9 years old. What was the money situation in your home in Brooklyn after that?

A: We were on ‘relief’ for a couple of years, which these days is called welfare. My mother couldn’t work, because she was taking care of me and my younger brother.

Secretele Comunicarii Larry King Pdf Files Pdf


They would give us a stipend of $34 a week, and then inspectors would come to the house and look through the fridge, and ask why she was buying certain cuts of meat. New York City even bought me my first pair of glasses, because I couldn’t see the blackboard at school. That’s pretty poor.

Shawn Southwick

I always had less money than my friends, and was the only one of my friends without a father. I used all that stuff to propel me forward. But I never forgot where I came from. Q: What was your first job? A: It was for a grocer on 86th St. I had a little cage on the front of my bike, and I would put groceries in it and deliver them.

That was the first time I ever saw a $20 bill, honest to God. Q: Once you started having success on the radio, how did you deal with that wealth? FILE PHOTO: Television and radio host Larry King arrives at the opening night of the UCLA Film and Television Archive film series 'Champion: The Stanley Kramer Centennial' and the world premiere screening of the newly restored 'Death of a Salesman' in Los Angeles, California August 9, 2013.

REUTERS/Gus Ruelas A: Well, I didn’t make any money for quite a while. At the start, with a small Miami radio station, I was only making $50 a week. At the end of my time there I was doing OK, with radio and TV shows and a newspaper column. But it was only after Ted Turner hired me for CNN in 1985 that I started to make real money.

Q: And how did you handle that? A: I have never seen one of my own paychecks, actually. I have it all sent to my money managers in Boston. They handle my mortgage, my credit cards, everything. I’ve been with them since 1978, and they stay on top of me. I see monthly statements, but I‘m not good with business or finances.

That’s not my facility. Slideshow (2 Images) Q: What charitable causes have you focused on, with your time and money? A: In 1987 I had a heart attack. (Former Surgeon-General) C. Everett Koop told me he didn’t like the way I looked, and I had a multiple bypass soon after. So now I have a cardiac foundation, and we try to save a heart a day. My father died of a heart attack at 46, so I outlived him, and it is all thanks to modern medicine.

Q: Any big mistakes in life that you would like to have back? A: If I could have one day back. I would go back to when I was 17, the day I started smoking. By the time I had my heart attack, I was smoking three packs a day. I didn’t think I could ever stop.

Q: You have a few kids, so what lessons about life do you try to pass along to them? A: I just tell them to be true to themselves. As Arthur Godfrey once told me, the secret to life is to be yourself. People might like it, or they might not, but you can’t force them.

There is no point in trying to be someone else. Q: What is the one interview that got away? Apparently he watched my show, and was very familiar with it.

His wife said he was seriously considering it. That would have been the greatest get of all time.