Youth Hockey Coaches Handbook


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Each Association Family should have a copy of the Policy Book and is responsible to update it with new policies or policy changes. The web version below is posted for your convenience. Contact a member of the Board with any questions. Click on the links below for printer-friendly PDF versions of the handbook: Our Codes of Conduct are also found in the Policy Book, and are itemized here: Grantsburg Hockey Policy Book Updated September 17, 2009 The Grantsburg Hockey Association Policy Book has been created to clarify the policies and expectations regarding members of the Grantsburg Youth Hockey Association. If there are questions outside the contents of this handbook, please bring them to the attention of a member of the Board. Each family in the Hockey Association will receive a Policy Book.

It is the responsibility of the individual handbook holders to update new policies or policy changes that are distributed to the members of the hockey association. Policy Book Table of Contents. Grantsburg Youth Hockey Association History Updated in 2006 We have a long history and a great future.

Our program covers children from pre-school to high school. Families from many communities are a part of our association. One of the concepts of our sport, that is often missed, is that we are truly a family. Being a part of our association is very special. The opportunity to work closely with each other, hours on the road with our own families, involvement with other children and families, brings us all together in a very unique fashion. The Grantsburg Youth Hockey program started in 1972 with three enthusiastic hockey families who moved from the Twin Cities to Grantsburg.

The first site of the rink was on the south end of town, on the east side of Pine Street. At that time it was used as a public rink with strings of lights hanging overhead. There had been a rink at the same location in the mid-1940’s right after the war; it had been used by a men’s hockey team.

In the fall of 1972 new boards of 2″x12″ planks were erected and by the time it was cold enough to freeze ice, Grantsburg had a hockey program. Most of the players the first year were in high school, but the next year there were players from age five through high school age. Our association has grown and improved since. When the program first started, all we had was a rink. For the home games we made coffee and hot chocolate at home and set it on a card table outside the rink. We didn’t have a concession stand or warming house of any kind. The following year we got an old shed and moved it to the side of the rink.

That was our first concession stand. It was also used as a dressing room for the players. A wood stove in the corner heated it. We first flooded the rink with garden hoses, which took forever. Then the village let us hook into the fire hydrants with hoses we got from the fire department.

We really made ice then! The villages also let us use their bobcat with a broom in front to sweep the ice. If there was a big snowstorm the village crew removed the snow with their large tractors and buckets or we would hire a farmer with a tractor and snow blower. Later on we were told that flooding with hot water made the hardest ice and wouldn’t chip like cold water ice. The village let us use their tractor and we mounted a 55 gallon drum on each side of the tractor, and on a three-point hitch we attached a pipe with small holes drilled in it and a width of carpet behind it to drag the water smoothly on the ice. We got the hot water from the boilers in the basement of the village office, which was across the street from the rink. In the beginning we were the only hockey club in this area of Wisconsin, so we played in a Minnesota Hockey League against eight other towns.

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We took our knocks the first couple of years. Our Squirt team lost a game to Mora 30-1. Two years later that same team as Pee Wees beat that same team 2-1. We could compete with any team in the class C division. After that we never looked back.

As the years went by we kept evolving our program. The first couple of years we did not have uniforms. It was a big improvement when we did. We built a better and larger warming house. In 1981 we tore all the old boards down and constructed a new regulation size rink with round corners and chain link fence. We had team benches and penalty boxes. Later we bought an electric scoreboard; no more paper or stopwatches.

Soon after, we made another acquisition: a used self powered genuine zamboni (but we still kept our tractor for backup.) Our program grew and the years rolled. Different parents and players ran the program.

In 1991 the hockey rink was re-built and put on the west end of the old football field on Robert Street. This gave us more room and we were able to construct a large structure with dressing rooms, a viewing area, a concession stand, and a zamboni room. In 1999 Grantsburg Hockey embarked on a pledge drive to raise money to cover our outdoor rink. We broke ground in the spring of 2000 and a 120’ X 240’ steel building was erected over the outdoor rink. An ammonia refrigeration system was also installed. Many endless volunteer hours were spent from the spring of 2000 to the fall, but by the start of the 2000-2001 season, we were an indoor association.

In the summer of 2002 we replaced our boards with some used boards and Plexiglass we purchased from Somerset Hockey. The old boards with the “chicken wire fencing” became just another fond memory. In 2004 a plan was presented at the annual banquet for a blacktopped parking lot with new lighting. Another pledge drive was started and with great association member support and community support, the parking lot lighting was installed in 2004 with the lot being graded and graveled and sidewalks installed. The first layer of blacktop was laid in the fall of 2005 with the final layer being completed in 2006. The parking lot lines were also painted before the start of the 2006-2007 season.

Grantsburg School District joined the WIAA High School Hockey Co-op with Frederic, Luck, Siren and Webster School Districts beginning in the 2005-2006 high school season. Grantsburg had six boys and four girls that skated on the WIAA teams in 2005-2006 with those numbers growing to nine boys and eight girls for the 2006-2007 season. From season to season, our Mini-Mites through Bantam teams have included over 60 skaters and 50 families. For over 34 years, the Grantsburg Hockey Association has provided a place for youth to learn teamwork, competitiveness and sportsmanship. We look forward to the next 34 years. Grantsburg Hockey Association By-Law Abstract ARTICLE I.


The annual meeting of the members of the Grantsburg Hockey Association, Inc. Shall be held as scheduled by the Board of Directors. Regular and special meetings of the Grantsburg Hockey Association, Inc.

Shall be called and noticed pursuant to the Wisconsin statutes. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern proceedings. Any vacancy occurring because of death, resignation or removal of officers and directors shall be filled by appointment of the remaining members of the board of directors.

ARTICLE II. All members in good standing of the presently existing club known as Grantsburg Hockey Association, Inc. Shall automatically be members in good standing of this corporation until the date of the first annual meeting of this corporation, and until the expiration of the grace period of 90 days allowed for the payment of dues, except that such members shall pay the initial dues hereinafter set forth. ARTICLE III. The annual dues of this organization shall be assigned by the Board of Directors.

The annual dues of this organization shall be due and payable on the date determined by the Board of Directors annually. A grace period of 90 days is allowed to each member for the payment of said dues. ARTICLE IV. These by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of this organization by a majority vote of its members. ARTICLE V. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on a monthly basis. Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on call of the President or any two members of the Board of Directors and upon giving at least 48 hours notice of the time and place of such meeting.

Grantsburg Hockey Association Constitutional Abstract Purpose: 1. To provide a hockey rink and related support buildings, equipment, etc., so that the area youth can play hockey. To educate those youth interested, in the fundamentals of ice hockey. To promote sportsmanship and a teamwork ethic among coaches, participants, parents and spectators. To schedule hockey games, practices, and tournaments, for the membership youth. To do all things necessary for the advancement and enjoyment of the sport of ice hockey in our area.

Membership: Membership shall be open to all persons interested in promoting the advancement and enjoyment of the sport of ice hockey in the Grantsburg area. There shall be one class of members and any person meeting the foregoing qualifications and abiding by the athlete’s code of conduct shall be considered a member of this association. Membership will be granted to:. Each household with a youth registered as a skater in GHA, and each household or “family” shall receive one vote. If two families are combined within a household (e.g. In cases of step-children), the parents may choose to be designated as different “households” and one parent may vote representing one household and the other parent voting on behalf of the second household. However, then each household would also be considered separately for other membership requirements (fundraising, etc.).

The family household status, voting privileges, and membership requirements would be finalized at registration. In cases where two parents do not reside in the same household (e.g. In cases of divorce), only one parent or guardian may vote, and those parents will decide whose vote is cast for each case. Membership shall also be granted to all Head Coaches or Board Members (if not already a member.). Associate membership may also be granted to any interested adult (nineteen or older) who pays the Associate membership fee for the current season. Only members nineteen years of age and older shall have voting rights on business brought before the general membership.

Voting shall be conducted on the basis of one household or Associate Member/one vote, generally with the right being extended only to those members present for the vote in question. There shall be no proxy votes cast at any meeting on any subject. In special instances the board of directors may choose to conduct voting via mailed ballots sent to all members on the official newsletter mailing list. Officers/Board Of Directors: The Board of Directors shall be elected for a three year term with a total of seven members. The following officers will be determined by the board on an annual basis: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These members and their contact information shall be available on the Grantsburg Hockey web site.

The Vice President is responsible for performing the President’s duties and assumes the authority as Chairman of the Board of Directors in the President’s absence; as well as any other tasks the President delegates to him or her. The Secretary is responsible for recording and filing minutes of all general membership and board meetings; as well as any other tasks the President delegates to him/her. The Treasurer is responsible for processing all association financial transactions and giving an accounting of such to the general membership at the annual meeting; as well as any other tasks the President delegates to him/her. Profits: All profits, if any, shall be reinvested by the association toward its development and quality as determined by the Board of Directors with membership approval when necessary.

Fee Setting: Each year, the Board of Directors shall establish the following budget guidelines for the hockey program:. Registration Fees (all levels, including Associate Membership). Fundraising Sales Income Expectations. Rink Week Expectations and other Work Hours. Fundraising Hours Expectations.

Tournament Budgets and covered items. Home Game Budgets (referee expenses) Purchasing: Any purchase charged to the Association must be approved by the President or Treasurer prior to making the transaction, or the Association may not be liable for the charge. Administration: Each year, the Board of Directors shall reviews the following administrative roles and related procedures, ensuring that information is updated and communicated as deemed appropriate:. ACE Coordinator: (ACE: Association Coaching & Education) Serves as the administrative link to USA Hockey and its Coaching Education Program (CEP).

The ACE Coordinator will organize and manage CEP requirements, assist GHA in the development of a well-trained coaching staff, promote parent education and provide clear goals and objectives for player skill development. Also receives applications and appoints head coaches (with Board approval.). Mite Director: Oversees activities within the Mite, Mini-Mite, and Learn-to-Skate programs. Girls Director: Oversees activities within the Girls Hockey programs.

Head Coaches: Maintain CEP certification. Appoints Assistant Coach(es).

Team Manager: Appointed by the Head Coach. The team manager is the main communicator of the team and the contact person between the coaches and parents.

The team manager may delegate various duties, but oversee that all is completed. The manager’s responsibilities go from registration to registration, and include: a. Schedule any additional games after the initial scheduling is completed by association scheduler. Make game changes needed, ensuring referee schedules are also changed and parents are notified. Contact parents if special meetings are scheduled.

Schedule volunteer workers for games, including time keepers & announcing, penalty box, zamboni driver, and concessions. Schedule workers for team rink week (all rink activities such as Open Skating, High School game concessions, or Rented Ice.) f. Away Tournaments: Register team; gather/distribute motel info, directions, and game times. Fundraising Events – call to schedule workers. Track Budget: Be aware of tournament and game budgets, and that any expenses incurred above the budget have either been approved by the board or that parents have agreed to pay. PPC Rep (Parent/Player/Coach Representative): Each team shall assign a PPC Rep prior to that team’s first practice.

That person shall serve on the PPC Committee to address any conduct or complaint issues during the season. The volunteer for PPC representative should not be a board member, team coach, coach’s spouse, or team manager. If it is not possible to find someone meeting this requirement, the GHA board must approve any exception after a volunteer has been brought forward. Volunteers from each team will be assigned as the PPC Representative for a partner team as follows: o Mini-Mites and Girls Program o Mites and Peewees o Squirts and Bantams c.

GHA shall post the names of the PPC representatives at the rink, provide the names to team managers for distribution, and include the list in the handbook placed at the concession stand. During each team’s first meeting, they should review expectations with the PPC so they can clarify guidelines. Rink Manager: Main contact for rink maintenance issues, ice start-up, and ice melt-down.

Establishes expectations for Rink Clean-up Weeks during the season. Coordinates Lawn Mowing and building maintenance in the off-season. Referee Scheduler: Maintains contacts with qualified referees and coordinates referee schedules for home games and tournaments.


Offers assistance for GHA membership who wish to become referees. Game Scheduler: Attends district and regional meetings to establish initial home & away game schedules for all teams.

Maintains and communicates rink schedule for entire season, including games, tournaments, Open Skating, and rented ice. Tournament Director: First point of contact for teams to register in Grantsburg tournaments.

Sanctions and advertises GHA Tourneys. Bring recommendations for Tournament Rules to be reviewed annually by the Board. Establishes & updates procedures or a “handbook” for how to operate a tournament and what needs to be done and by whom. Registrar: Processes all registration information and payments for GHA members. Updates all rosters using USA Hockey software.

Maintains overall list of members, addresses (email & mailing) and contact info. Tracks hours recorded toward work hour and fundraising requirements.

Ensures all members have updated handbooks. Ensures all registration fees and requirements are clearly communicated upon registration. Concessions Coordinator: Maintains Food Service certification. Purchases concession inventory and maintains sufficient supplies during the year. Maintains concession area in accordance with food service guidelines. Ensures all concession workers receive procedures and training. Web Master: Updates content on

Watercross Director: Directs all activities related to annual Watercross event. Team Rostering: GHA will operate the Youth Hockey program under WAHA guidelines. Participation is open to all youth within the Grantsburg School District that meet the requirements established by WAHA. Teams will be established at various levels according to the membership registered each year. Decisions to Co-Op with another Association will be made on an annual basis.

Roster Up of Players: All players will be rostered with one “primary” team, but may also roster with additional teams (i.e. “skating up.”) If a player skates with a secondary team, it is the responsibility of the player/parent to provide a schedule for the secondary team to the primary coach. This should be done 2-3 days prior to any game. It is the primary coach’s responsibility to approve or deny the skater’s participation. It is at the primary coach’s discretion to determine if a game conflict would have a negative impact on the primary team, and if so, ask the player not to play a game or games with the secondary team. Failure to honor this request would be considered a “Breach of Contract” under the Player’s Code of Conduct and penalties may be enforced.

Parents, coaches, and players should do their best communicate on a timely basis, and make decisions in the best interest of both the teams and the youth. If mediation is needed to determine the “best interest” this would fall to the ACE coordinator. Association Transfers: It is the goal of GHA to provide a quality youth hockey experience for skaters that reside in the Grantsburg community.

Consistent with WAHA guidelines, our intention is not to release any player from our association to another association OR accept another player from a neighboring association except under the most unusual of circumstances. The Board reserves the right to review requests, which must be submitted in writing to the President. High School Program: GHA will also support a program for skaters at the High School level. The decision to partner with neighboring schools and field a co-op team within the WIAA Hockey program will be voted upon every two years, and specifics of the program can be found in that Co-Op agreement.

Grantsburg Youth Hockey Association Code of Conduct for Players Each year we want the hockey player and parents or guardians to know what is expected of them through the hockey season. Everyone should endeavor to have a fun learning experience each year with minimum distractions. It is our hope that with mutual consent from players, parents, and coaches, that this will be accomplished. Cooperation and teamwork is vital to your team success!

Player Contract In exchange for the opportunity to play for the Grantsburg Hockey Association, I promise to do the following: Player Promises Arriving To Practice and Games. I promise to be on the ice at the time the practice or game is scheduled for. I understand that if I am late for a game or practice it makes it hard for my coaches and teammates. If I contact my coach before the practice starts, and miss practice because of illness, church or special family activities, my absence will be excused. If I miss a practice or game without being excused, I understand the coach may enforce a penalty such as reduced play-time.

Be Prepared To Play. I promise to come to every practice, game and scrimmage prepared to play hard and to do my best. I will take care of my equipment, my uniform and my body by eating right and getting enough sleep before games and will be responsible for making sure I am ready to play hockey. Be Ready to Learn. I will come to every practice and game ready to learn more about hockey and how to play the games. I will accept and forgive my mistakes and the mistakes of my teammates, coaches, referees and officials because I understand that we can all learn from our mistakes.

Winning Attitude. I like to win and my team likes to win and I know that a big part of a winning season is a winning attitude. That means that I will try hard, never give up and always try to encourage my teammates to try hard. Then, even if we do not win, we can be proud of ourselves for having done our best.

Respect for My Teammates. I will treat my teammates respectfully and will encourage them so they can do their best. I will help my teammates by exercising self-control both on and off the ice and to have fun without making it hard for anyone else to have fun. I will never “make fun of” or “put-down” a teammate because those remarks reflect poorly upon me and my team. I will not use offensive language and swearing around my teammates. Respect for My Coaches. I will listen to my coaches and try to understand what they are trying to teach me.

College Coaches Handbook

I will ask questions if I do not understand. I will not swear, use foul language or talk back to my coaches. I will suggest other ways to do things if I have an idea, but I agree that my coaches may prefer that I do things their way because it may be better for the team and it is their job. Respect for Referees. Even though I may disagree with the officials or referees, I will exercise self-control and direct my energy to play harder so that I will earn the respect of my teammates, coaches and the other team. I will not swear to or talk back to the referees. Respect for Grantsburg Hockey.

I will demonstrate pride in Grantsburg Hockey by respecting the rules posted at our Hockey rink regarding spectator behavior, and also abiding by the rules of any other hockey rink the team may be visiting. Penalties for Breach of Player Promises. If I break any of my promises in this Player Contract, I agree that the coaches may give me a warning or ask me to leave the ice (Minor Penalty). If I continue to be disrespectful of these promises, I may be asked to leave the ice, have a meeting with the coach and parents, or be benched for several shifts, a period or a game (Major Penalty). I acknowledge that the penalty for my breaking my promise will be determined by the coaches based on how often I have broken my promises and the nature of my conduct and the circumstances at the time of the incident.

If I receive a major penalty, I will be expected to tell my parents, honestly, how I broke my promises to the team. If a parent has an issue with a coach’s application of a penalty, they shall bring this information to the Parent/Player/Coach representative for their child’s team. GHA Player Code The best performance the individual is capable of producing comes only after the body and mind have been conditioned through a regular program.

This code is to be followed by all hockey players. The following shall be considered violations of the Code of Conduct:. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES – The possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE AND PARAPHERNALIA – The possession and/or use of controlled substances or paraphernalia in situations other than specifically prescribed by a physician.

TOBACCO – The possession and/or use of tobacco products. (Any use – smoking, chewing, etc.). ILLEGAL ACTS – Getting involved in illegal activities such as (but not limited to) theft, assault, vandalism, disorderly conduct, etc. Penalties For Code Violation The Parent/Player/Coach (PPC) members will be selected by the Hockey Association Board of Directors and will be responsible for investigating and enforcing all GHA code violations. In the event a violation is reported to the PPC, the PPC shall notify the player and his parent(s) and provide them with the opportunity to address the alleged violation. The PPC shall then meet to consider all information relating to the violation and determine, in the PPC’s discretion, whether or not a violation occurred. No meeting shall be required if the player and his parent(s) admit the violation.

If the player and parent(s) disagree with the decision of the PPC, they may appeal that decision to the GHA board of directors. In the event a violation is found, the penalty shall be as follows:. 1st Offense – A three consecutive game suspension and five work hours. 2nd Offense – A five consecutive game suspension and 10 work hours. 3rd and Subsequent Offenses – A ten game suspension and 20 work hours All work hours are to be done during rink hours and do not count toward hours required to be performed by each family during the season. All game suspensions and code violation hours must be completed prior to reinstatement. Note: For High School players, WIAA rules and penalties shall be enforced and precede GHA policy.

The PPC may impose penalties including, but not limited to:. Game suspensions.

Work hours. Increased suspensions and work hours for subsequent offenses All work hours are to be done during rink hours and do not count toward hours required to be performed by each family during the season. All game suspensions and code violation hours must be completed prior to reinstatement. All violations and resulting penalties carry over from one season to the next season. The suspension and work hour requirement will be implemented immediately after determination of a code violation has been made by the PPC Council. If the affected player’s team has less than ten members and has multiple players currently facing suspension, the players’ suspensions may be served consecutively to one another at the discretion of the coach and the PPC. If the player admits the violation, the player’s coach may start the suspension prior to a formal finding of a violation by the PPC.

The suspended player must attend all practice sessions, games, scrimmages, etc. During the period of suspension and be on the bench in full gear with his/her teammates for suspension games. All penalties must be served on the player’s primary team, and he/she shall not be allowed to skate up until the penalty has been served. Work hours required as part of the penalty shall be reported to the player’s team’s PPC representative.


If they do not comply, they can be asked by the PPC to be removed for the remainder of the season without reimbursement of registration fees or reduction of work hours. The Code of Conduct is to be in full force on a year round basis, from registration to registration. I have read and understand this Player Contract and agree to do the things I have promised above. PLAYER DATE PARENTS/GUARDIANS DATE COACH DATE Grantsburg Youth Hockey Association Code of Conduct for Coaches In my role as Coach for the Grantsburg Hockey Association, I promise to support the following values: Winning is a consideration, but not the only one, nor the most important one.

Care more about the child than winning the game. Remember, players are involved in hockey for fun and enjoyment. Be a positive role model to your players, display emotional maturity and be alert to the physical safety of players. Be generous with your praise when it is deserved. Be consistent and honest.

Be fair and just; do not criticize players publicly. Learn to be a more effective communicator and coach; do not yell at players. Adjust to the personal needs and problems of players. Be a good listener; never verbally or physically abuse a player or official.

Give all players the opportunity to improve their skills, gain confidence and develop self-esteem; teach them the basics. Organize practices that are fun and challenging for your players. Familiarize yourself with the rules, techniques and strategies of hockey. Encourage all of your players to be team players. Maintain an open line of communication with your players’ parents. Explain the goals and objectives of your association.

Be concerned with the overall development of your players. Stress habits that promote good health. Remember: To play the game is great, to love the game is greater! Violations of GHA Code. The ACE Coordinator shall be made aware of all penalties Coach’s may receive during game play (e.g. Bench minors, etc.) and apply penalties at their discretion, including but not limited to required assistance/supervision and game suspensions.

Any complaints regarding coaching or reports of violation of the Coach’s code shall be brought to the attention of the Association’s ACE Coordinator. The ACE Coordinator will then meet with the person(s) bringing the issue and also the coach (together or separately) to review all relevant information. The ACE Coordinator may then apply penalties at their discretion, including but not limited to required assistance/supervision and game suspensions. If the coach who is the subject of the complaint happens to be the ACE Coordinator, then the issue shall be escalated instead to the PPC member for the team the coach supports.

Note: issues regarding parent/player complaints that are not a direct violation of the coach’s code should be brought forward to the PPC rather than the ACE Coordinator. In the event a violation is reported to the ACE Coordinator or PPC, the coach shall be notified and given the opportunity to address the alleged violation. The ACE or PPC shall then consider all information relating to the violation and determine, in the ACE/PPC’s discretion, whether or not a violation occurred. If the coach disagrees with the decision of the ACE or PPC, they may appeal that decision to the GHA board of directors.

I have read and understand this Coach’s Code of Conduct and agree to do the things I have promised above. COACH DATE Grantsburg Youth Hockey Association Code of Conduct for Parents and Guardians Parents and guardians play a very important role within the Grantsburg Youth Hockey Association. Since the association is a voluntary organization, we rely upon parents and guardians to work in a vast variety of positions that utilize many unique talents. Parents and guardians, however, do more that carry out the work of the Association. They serve as role models for all of the youngsters in hockey. The way in which parents and guardians behave, demonstrates the type of behavior we expect our children to also follow.

Regardless of our involvement in the Association, our behavior will influence all of the young people in our hockey program. In my role as a Parent or Guardian for a youth participating in the Grantsburg Hockey Association, I promise to support the following values:. Remember that hockey is a game and the primary reason our children participate is to have fun. Help make your child’s participation rewarding for everyone.

Be understanding and supportive of the coach and the officials. The coach is a volunteer giving his/her personal time at his/her expense to help provide a positive experience for your child. If you have a concern about your child or team, talk with the head coach so they can have the opportunity to address it. If your concerns are not resolved by the coach, you may address the Player/Parent/Coach (PPC) Council. Remember that you are a representative of your team, the Hockey Association and your community, so demonstrate respect for officials, coaches and other players or people from other associations. Demonstrate pride in Grantsburg Hockey by respecting the rules posted at our hockey rink regarding spectator behavior, and also abiding by the rules of any other hockey rink the team may be visiting.

During games and all GHA sponsored events, maintain control over your emotions and do not use foul language or gestures. Refrain from negative or derogatory comments about players, coaches or officials. Display good sportsmanship at all times. Insure that your child attends all practices and games or notify the coach when they will be unable to attend. Be everything you want your child to be.

Violations of GHA Code. Any complaints or reports of violation of the Parent’s code shall be brought to the attention of the appropriate team’s PPC representative. The PPC will then meet with the person(s) bringing the issue and also the parent (together or separately) to review all relevant information. The PPC shall work toward clarifying issues, resolving conflict, improving communication, and satisfying all parties involved. Based on the severity of the issue, the PPC may also apply penalties at their discretion, including but not limited to:.

Additional work hours. Monetary penalties. Suspension from the Grantsburg Hockey rink. If the parent disagrees with the decision of the PPC, they may appeal that decision to the GHA board of directors. I have read and understand this Parent’s Code of Conduct and agree to do the things I have promised above. PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE.