Drivers License Barcode Information


Ever wonder what's in that barcode on the back of your driver's license? I just got a new toy that I'm playing around with, and I'd like to incorporate A5 to allow me to use it for something useful. It's a Handheld 2D Barcode Scanner, and I want to use it to scan the barcode on the back of a driver's license, then populate forms with the resulting data. I'm using a special 'sample' Maryland driver's license for testing, but it conforms to the AAMVA standards for universal license data coding. (In other words, it should pretty much work the same way on a license from any state using the AAMVA format.) So what's in the that funny looking barcode? Rich, For this application, it looks like the best approach would be to scan it into a text area, then parse it with extractstring. So, for example, if the bar code was read into a variable named BarCodeText, you could have: vAddress = extractstring(BarCodeText,'DAG','DAI') Then, as Mauricio suggested, for the name, you could use the word to break that up The only issue I see is if the street name is Adai street, or if the person is named Dagwood.

To handle that, you could use the occurs function to check how may times it appears. So if 'DAG' appears twice, then you know there could be a problem. Hi Rich, Parsing a barcode, yours included, is relatively trivial.


Magnetic Strip and Barcode Decoding Drivers License Information. License Number Field separator Expiry Date (yymm) Date of Birth (yyyymmdd) Last track character Zip Code Class Restrictions. Microsoft Word - Drivers License.doc Author: sheikhm7408.

There are a myriad of character parsing functions that are usable in Alpha, and there is nothing special here. The real issue, is that a barcode scanner will scan the data into where ever the cursor is.

If the cursor is not where you need data, the barcode characters will be entered wherever it is. If you could get the cursor to move to a particular field or dialog box 1st, then the data entered can be used to fill in data or invoke a find, or whatever you needed to be done. This is exactly what my does for the desktop side. (which incidently the trial version has a working function feature that has a test mode that allows you to see all characters that the scanner sends, even special keys) within Alpha Five. Doing it for the web side requires handling a javascript key event, which Alpha does not have.

It could be done, but each of the 5 most common browsers all handle key events differently (some in major ways, some minor). Unfortunately, there is no current web standard for key events (unfortunately). If one chooses a specific browser, then it is much simpler problem. Well thanks to the input from everyone, I'm getting closer. I'm trying Pat's suggestion of the 'exactstring' expression, and it seems to parse all of the fields correctly, but I'm running into a weird problem that I'm hoping someone might have an answer to.

One of the parsed fields is called 'DBBDOB,' and it results in a character string date of the person's date of birth. Next to it, I created another field called 'DOB,' and I'm using the below expression to convert the string to a 'normal' type date: DATEVALUE(VAL(LEFT(DBBDOB,4)),VAL(SUBSTR(DBBDOB,5,2)),VAL(SUBSTR(DBBDOB,7,2))) Again, it works correctly, and the DBBDOB string of 19560115 converts correctly to, but when I try to start a new record, I immediately get an error message that says: 'MONTH IS OUT OF RANGE.'

Then if I try to close out of the table or delete that record, I get another message that says 'ENTER MUST BEGIN FIRST.' And then I'm stuck, because it won't go past that point.

When that happens, the only way to get out of the table is to forcibly close out of the program. The expression to convert the date seems to be working correctly, so I don't know why it keeps saying that the month is out of range, but if I get rid of the expression, the errors go away. Richard EDIT: I see you got it working already. Strange that stod is not throwing an error for you. When you start a new record the DBBDOB field is empty.

This results in zeros being passed into the DateValue function. I was going to suggest the STOD function instead but it to throws an error with an empty string and also with a string of 10 spaces.

Instead of having two fields I would have only the date type. Convert the barcode text data to a date using stod as part of your parsing process. That way the actual DOB field does not need to be any type of calculation. Hi Tim, Well I think the problem was related more to the character date field than to the expression. I thought that using STOD had solved the problem, but as it turns out, it didn't, it just made for a shorter, neater expression. This is how I fixed it, although I'm not quite sure what the cause was.

My character date field has an expression that parses the date from the long barcode string: EXTRACTSTRING(MEMO,'DBB','DB') Which results in (for example) 19840117 in a field called 'DBBDOB' Whenever I try to convert that field to a date field by either my original expression or the STOD(DBBDOB) expression, I get the 'Month is out of range' error message when I try to exit the table. So as a test, I created a second character date field, and used the simple expression (DBBDOB) to copy the contents of the first character date field into this one, and called it 'DBBDOB2.' Then I used the STOD(DBBDOB2) to convert that field's contents to an actual date , and it works with no errors. Now you are suggesting that I go directly from the long barcode string to the actual date field, but I'm not sure how to do that, or how the expression will know where to find the character date, but maybe you can elaborate. I do know it's between DBB and DBC in the original barcode text string if that helps.

So now that I know all this, I'm looking for a simple (if possible) way to scan it to a field on a web page, then upon clicking submit, having the data parsed correctly into separate fields for use on that particular web form.Are you still doing that. Can you elaborate a bit on your process. I am guessing you are scanning into a memo field??? Then what is your parsing process. Is it a script of some sort or are you using calculated fields?

If I was doing this on the desktop I would have a script that takes the whole set of data and for each field I want to fill find the data and convert it into the data type of that field. Tim I haven't got it working on the web yet, right now I'm just trying to get all the parsing correct. And yes, at the moment I am just scanning the long text string into a memo field, and using the 'extractstring(BarCodeText,'XXX','XXX')' expression in each of the parsed fields to pull the correct data, and that seems to be working just fine. My original goal was to have a separate web screen (maybe a popup) just for scanning the data into, then when the submit button was pressed, it would parse the data into the correct fields (on the back end), which could then be pulled into any form that had the need for that data. It would be nice to be able to skip the first part of this and have the data go directly into the form that requires it, but since everything I'm doing is web based, I don't see an easy way to accomplish that.

Ira has a neat barcode program for desktop applications, but he said it would be somewhat complicated to do in a web browser, since it would vary depending on which browser the client was using. Tim here's what I'm doing: I have a memo field that takes the following barcode data, and parses it out using calculated fields - AAMVADL00290197DLDAQS-542-738-870-099 DAASMITH,RICHARD,JOHN,JR DAG26 SAMANTHA CT DAITAKOMA PARK DAJMD DAK20912 DARC DAS DAT DAU600 DAW167 DBA20110124 DBB19820124 DBC1 DBD20051126 DBHN Each field is delimited by the first three charcters. The 'DBB' string is the person's DOB, which in this case is. Presently I'm using the following expression to parse out the date string: EXTRACTSTRING(MEMO,'DBB','DB') This gives me '19820124' as a character field, which I call 'DBBDOB.' Then I was using a separate (date) field to convert the character string to the actual date: STOD(DBBDOB) = This works as I said earlier, but as soon as I try to enter a new record, I get an error message because as you said, the character string for the date field hasn't been created yet, and as such it throws the record into a crazy loop which gives an error message of 'MONTH IS OUT OF RANGE,' then 'ENTER MUST BEGIN FIRST,' and stays the way until I force the program to close. Now you suggested that I parse out the character date string and convert it to a regular date all at one time, but I'm not sure what the expression would look like to do that. Could you show me how?

Everything else about this application is working correctly except for this date issue, so if I can get this working I'll be finished. Stan thanks for replying so fast, but I'm not really sure what you are telling me? I'm familiar with the STOD function, and as listed above, I am using it to convert my parsed character string into an actual date. The problem is that it is causing errors at the end of the record, and Tim was suggesting that I parse the character string from the barcode data AND convert it to an actual date all at one time, but I don't understand how to do that. That's what I'm looking for assistance with. I assume it would be some sort of a nested expression, but I've been playing around with it for hours and I can't figure out how to make it work.

Hi Tim Your expression works correctly, however now another weird thing is happening. If I enter the barcode scan data directly into record via browse, the DOB calculation works fine. But if I enter it via the web page, as soon as I hit the submit button, I get an error message on the DOB field, that says 'CAN'T PUT TO CALCULATED FIELD.' Any thoughts? BTW, here's the link to the form: If you want to see what I'm getting, manually paste the following data into the memo field and hit the submit button: AAMVADL00290197DLDAQS-542-738-870-099 DAASMITH,RICHARD,WELLINGTON,JR DAG26 SAUCER CT DAITAKOMA PARK DAJMD DAK20912 DARC DAS DAT DAU600 DAW167 DBA20110124 DBB19820124 DBC1 DBD20051126 DBHN.

Hi Tim Your expression works correctly, however now another weird thing is happening. If I enter the barcode scan data directly into record via browse, the DOB calculation works fine. But if I enter it via the web page, as soon as I hit the submit button, I get an error message on the DOB field, that says 'CAN'T PUT TO CALCULATED FIELD.' Hey Tim just wanted to let you know that your expression is working perfectly. I don't know what was causing the above error message, but I fixed it by rebuilding the grid.

I have another question regarding parsing that I was hoping someone could shed some light on. Sample barcode extract into memo field: AAMVADL00290197DLDAQS-542-738-870-099 DAASMITH,RICHARD,WELLINGTON,JR DAG 26 SAUCER CT DAITAKOMA PARK DAJMD DAK20912 DARC DAS DAT DAU600 DAW167 DBA20110124 DBB19820124 DBC1 DBD20051126 DBHN Presently I'm using the expression of (for example): EXTRACTSTRING(MEMO,'DAG','DAI') to parse the address from the memo field and similar expressions to parse the other data. This works fine as long as the next field starts with the delimiter of 'DAI,' which it always does in Maryland.

But I just found out that other states layout their data differently. They still use the same delimiters, as that is based on a national standard, but the data doesn't always flow the same way. For example, in one state, the address field is followed by the Organ Donor field. The delimiter for the Organ Donor field is DBH. Obviously this causes a problem with the 'Exact String' expression because it is looking for DAI as the end point, now it does not follow DAG. So my question is this: There is a set maximum number of characters that can be used in each field, so that will never change and that being the case, is there a similar expression I could use that would still parse the data from the set delimiters of 'DAG,' 'DAS,' etc., but instead of using the next text delimiter to indicate the end of the parse, it would only parse the string up to the maximum number of allowable charcters, then stop. In other words, something like: EXTRACTSTRING(MEMO,'DAG',30) or something like that, so that once a space of 30 characters was reached, the expression would know it was the end of the string.

(I know this is not a real expression, but in looking at it you can get the drift of what I'm trying to do.). It looks like Post #20. The first one was 'doctored up' by me to show everybody what data is embedded in the barcode. However my barcode scanner is stripping out the carriage return symbol and entering straight text.

Barcode Information On Fl Drivers License

This was done on purpose. When I first started this project, every time I would input data on to the memo field of the web page, the browser screen would go crazy and try to open up all kinds of browser related options. In the end, the only thing that was left in the memo field was the '@' symbol.

Drivers License Barcode Information

To to counter that, the tech from the barcode reader company set the gun so that it stripped out everything but straight text, and the problem disappeared. And I think I know where you're going with this. Are you going to suggest using the carriage return as the ending delimiter?

I thought about that. I'm not sure how the expression reads, but I guess I'll have to put the carriage returns back in the bar code reader's output first if I'm going to experiment with that. We didn't determine that the problem was the carriage returns, as there are other symbols inserted during the initial data input that could have been causing the problem, but the tech suggested just getting rid of all the non-text characters and trying it.

That's what we did and it solved the problem so I just left it that way. So maybe if I put the carriage returns back in and nothing else, I'll be able to have it 'both ways.'

Barcode In addition to providing additional security, the Barcode on the back of Georgia’s new licenses and IDs enables our business partners a method to quickly verify and capture the data presented by customers. Please review the attached brochure for more information.,.

In addition, a sample Barcode Test Document is attached for downloading.,. This enables businesses to print actual card samples to use for testing.

Examples of the new licenses are below. Please call (678) 413-8400 if you have questions. New Secure Process Customers are first issued an Interim License/ID printed on secure paper and includes photo and signature Secure Interim DL/IDs can be valid for up to 120 days. Adult Interim Under 21 Interim A permanent license/ID will be mailed to a customer’s address on file with DDS before the Interim expiration date. To protect your identity, please destroy the Interim when the permanent is received.

Adult Permanent License Under 21 Permanent License.