Secret Of Success In Hindi Pdf

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  2. The book that was the main source of inspiration for Rhonda Byrne's 'The Secret', FREE, unedited, 1st edition 1907 ---------------------------- 'The Secret of Success' is an important motivational book written by author William Walker Atkinson. Atkinson teaches in this work that individuality is inherent in each of us, and which.

For many entrepreneurs, making their first sale is a monumental task. A million questions pop up, such as: How can I make my product stand out from those of my competitors?

What types of questions should I ask? How do I handle objections? How should I ask for the order? For the answers to these and other sales challenges, we've asked five nationally known authors of sales books and audio tapes to share their sales secrets. Here are their 25 secrets for sales success. 25 Super Sales Secrets.

Sales Tips for First-Time Entrepreneurs. Sales Presentation Success. Preparations and Guarantees.

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Sales Materials That Shine. Get to Know Your Customer. The Experts Speak Out Brian Tracy: Sales Tips for First-Time Entrepreneurs Brian Tracy, president of in Solana Beach, California, is the author of several books, including and. His sales secrets for first-time entrepreneurs are: 1.

Sell benefits, not features. The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is in focusing on what their product or service is. Rather, it's what it does that's important, says Tracy. 'A health-food product contains nutrients that are good for the body. That's what it is. What the product does is make the customer thinner, more energetic, and able to accomplish more with less sleep,' he explains.

'Always concentrate on how your product will benefit your customer.' Sell to the people most likely to buy. Your best prospects have a keen interest in your product or service and the financial resources to purchase it. They are the ones who will buy most quickly. 'If you're selling photo-copy machines, don't try to sell to people who have never bought one before,' Tracy suggests. 'Sell to those who already have one, or to those you know would be interested in buying one. Show them how yours is superior.'

Differentiate your product. Why should a customer buy from you and not from your competitor? Tracy suggests coming up with at least three features that will give a customer reason to buy from you.

'People don't like to go out of their comfort zone to try something new. So, give them three good reasons to try your product,' Tracy explains.

'Your product or service, for example, works faster, is less expensive, and has a higher-quality level of ingredients.' Get face to face. Spending huge sums of money on print-media advertising or direct mail is one of the least effective ways for first-time entrepreneurs to build up their business. There is no shortcut to the personal approach.

Get one-on-one with your customer-if not in person, at least by phone. Focus on the second sale.

Nearly 85 percent of all sales are produced by word of mouth. 'They're the result of someone telling a friend or associate to buy a product or service because the customer was satisfied,' says Tracy. Therefore, concentrate on developing future and referral business with each customer. 'Everything you do must be aimed at the second sale.

Ask yourself: Will this be such a satisfactory experience that my customer will buy from me again or tell his friends?' Linda Richardson: Sales Presentation Success You can improve your sales success ratio dramatically by learning as much as you can about your prospect and focusing on his needs, says Linda Richardson, president of, a leadership- and sales-training company in Philadelphia, and author of.

She offers these secrets for success when making your sales presentation: 1. Build rapport.

Before discussing business, build rapport with your prospect. To build rapport, do some homework. Find out if you have a colleague in common. Has the prospect's company been in the news lately?

Is he interested in sports? 'Get a little insight into the company and the individual so you can make the rapport genuine,' says Richardson. Ask a broad range of questions. Ask questions that require more than a 'yes' or 'no' response, and that deal with more than just costs, price, procedures and the technical aspects of the prospect's business.

Most importantly, says Richardson, ask questions that will reveal the prospect's motivation to purchase, his problems and needs, and his decision-making processes. 'Don't be afraid to ask a client why he or she feels a certain way,' Richardson explains. 'That's how you'll get to understand your customers.' Probe deeper. If a prospect tells you, 'We're looking for cost-savings and efficiency,' will you immediately tell him how your product meets his need for cost-savings and efficiency? A really smart sales person won't, says Richardson-he or she will ask more questions and probe deeper: 'I understand why that is important. Can you give me a specific example?'

Richardson suggests, 'Ask for more information so you can better position your product and show you understand the client's needs.' Learn to listen.

Sales people who do all the talking during a presentation not only bore the prospect, but also generally lose the sale. You should be listening at least 50 percent of the time, notes Richardson. You can improve your listening skills by taking notes, observing your prospect's body language, not jumping to conclusions, and concentrating on what your prospect is saying.

Write thank-you notes, call the customer after the sale to make sure he or she is satisfied, and maintain a schedule of future communications. 'You have to be in front of that client and always show attention and responsiveness,' Richardson says.

'Follow-up is critical.' Shari Posey: Preparations and Guarantees A successful sales presentation starts with careful preparation and ends with guaranteeing customer satisfaction, says Shari Posey, president of Executive Insights, an audio-tape production company in Long Beach, California, specializing in products for entrepreneurs. Here are Posey's top five sales strategies: 1. Write out your sales presentation. Making a sales presentation 'isn't something you do on the fly,' warns Posey. Always use a written presentation. Think about the six major selling points of your product or service.

Develop leading questions to probe your customer's reactions and needs to each selling point. 'This will help you determine what objections your prospect might have, so you can show how your product or service can meet their needs.' Write down objections. Show your prospect you are truly listening to what they are saying by writing down their objections.

Secret Of Success In Hindi Pdf 2017

In this way, you can specifically answer their objections by showing how they will benefit from your product or service. It could be, for instance, by saving money, raising productivity, increasing employee motivation, or increasing their company's name recognition. Offer a first-time incentive.

Offer your prospect something significant, so if they do like your product or service, they'll be inclined to make a decision now, rather than wait a few days or put off the decision indefinitely. First-time incentives might include: '10 percent off with your purchase today' or 'With today's purchase, you'll receive one free hour of consultation.' Offer a 100-percent guarantee. Let your customers know their satisfaction is guaranteed. 'A good return policy minimizes customer objections and shows that you believe in your product or service,' says Posey. Product guarantees should be unconditional and should not include hidden clauses, like 'guaranteed for only 30 days.'

You can use a guarantee even if you're selling a service: 'Satisfaction guaranteed. You'll be thrilled with our service or we'll redo it at our expense.' Close with two choices: Rather than ask, 'How does this sound?,' give your prospect a choice. For example, if you're selling educational books to preschool owners, ask if they want to purchase the book series or the book and tape series together. When they state their choice, write the order. 'Your prospect is not likely to stop you,' Posey explains, 'because mentally they realize they've committed and they've said 'yes.'

' Bob Bly: Sales Materials That Shine Want to really impress your prospect and give him sales materials that will make him want to order now? Follow these five important sales secrets from, an independent copywriter and consultant in Dumont, New Jersey, who specializes in business-to-business and direct-response marketing. He is the author of more than 50 books, including. Target your material toward a specific audience. These days, it's not possible to understand and meet the needs of every potential customer.

Show you are a specialist, Bly urges. 'You have a selling advantage and come across as believable when your sales materials are tightly targeted to specific audiences,' he explains. 'Say you offer 'accounting services for advertising agencies,' not just 'accounting services.'

Use testimonials. People might not believe your product or service can do what you say it will. You can overcome this disbelief by having a past or present customer praise you and your company. Testimonials are usually written in the customer's own words, are surrounded by quotation marks, and are attributed to the individual. They can be used in sales letters, brochures and advertisements. Write from the customer's point of view.

'Start your copy with something that engages the prospect,' Bly suggests, 'and what most people are interested in is themselves.' If an insurance agency wanted to introduce its new employee health-benefit program for small-business owners, it might be tempted to state the obvious, using the phrase, 'Introducing our Guarda-Health Employee Benefit Plan.' The agency would get better results if it wrote something that directly interests the prospect: 'Are the skyrocketing costs of your insurance premiums threatening to put your company out of business?' As Bly explains, 'That's something business owners who provide benefits to their employees can relate to.' Use questions.

A great way to engage your prospect is to pose questions in the headlines of your sales literature. 'Every car-wash owner should know these seven business-success secrets. Or, 'Why haven't satellite-dish owners been told these facts?' Turn a negative into a positive.

If you are new in business and haven't sold many products or signed up many clients for your services, don't despair. You can phrase your situation this way: 'Not one widget buyer in a thousand has ever experienced the advantages of this new XYZ widget design.' Barry Farber: Get to Know Your Customer What's the best way to identify with your customer?

Know his business and ask for his feedback, says, a top-rated sales, management and motivation speaker, and author of several books, including. Here are five of Farber's top sales secrets: 1. Know your customer's business.

Customers expect you to know their business, customers and competition as well as you know your own product or service. Study your customer's industry. Know it's problems and trends. Find out who his biggest competitors are.

Some research tools include the company's annual report, trade publications, chamber of commerce directories, and the company's own brochures, newsletters and catalogs. Organize your sales presentation. The basic structure of any sales presentation includes six key points: build rapport with your prospect, introduce the business topic, ask questions to better understand your prospect's needs, summarize your key selling points, and close the sale. 'Always begin the process by first visualizing a successful outcome,' Farber says. Don't rely on your memory to remind you of what's important to your prospect. Ask upfront if it's alright for you to take notes during your sales presentation. Write down key points you can refer to later during your presentation.

Answer objections with 'feel, felt, found.' Don't argue when a prospect says, 'I'm not interested', 'I just bought one,' or 'I don't have time right now.'

Simply say, 'I understand how you feel. A lot of my present customers felt the same way. But when they found out how much time they saved by using our product, they were amazed.' Then ask for an appointment.


Ask for feedback. If you want to improve your sales presentation or your relations with your customers, ask them what you need to do to maintain and increase their business.

Secret Of Success In Hindi Pdf 2016

'Many customers have minor complaints but will never say anything. They just won't buy from you again,' Farber says. 'If you ask their opinion, they'll be glad to tell you, and to give you the chance to solve the problem.' Selling for the First Time Just because they're experts now, that doesn't mean they didn't have the nervous jitters the first time they did sales. But check out how they impressed their first clients. Brian Tracy: I was 11 years old, selling soap door to door to earn my way to YMCA camp.

I'd say, 'Hello, my name is Brian Tracy. I'm selling Rosamel beauty soap.

Would you like to buy a box?' People would say, 'No, don't need it, don't want it, can't afford it,' etc. I was very frustrated-until I rephrased my presentation: 'I'm selling Rosamel beauty soap, but it's strictly for beautiful women.' People who had been completely uninterested would say, 'Well, that's not for me. It wouldn't help me. How much is it?' I started selling the soap like hot cakes.

Bob Bly: I had been asked to speak before groups and had been paid to do so, but I had never personally gone after a speaking engagement. I wanted to do business with a software company which was having an annual convention for its resellers, but the meeting planner was hesitant to book me. He felt that, although my information was good and I knew what I was talking about, I would not be entertaining enough for his group. 'Call any or all of the meeting planners on the list of references I gave you,' I told him over the phone.

'If even one of them says I was not the most entertaining speaker they had within the last few years, I will come and do your event for free.' He called all of them, and they confirmed that I gave engaging talks, and I got the job. Barry Farber: After college, I sold advertising for a start-up fashion magazine. I was excited and thought it was the greatest product in the world. The magazine was a great place for local high-fashion retailers to attract a local market. I made 145 door-to-door calls in one day, and sold all the advertising space for that issue.

I didn't have the skills, knowledge or experience, but I overcame those deficiencies with a tremendous amount of work. I believe 99 percent of a business owner's success is based on his enthusiasm, faith, passion for what he does, and the commitment to work hard to get his name out in the marketplace. Those ingredients can beat any other combination for success. Linda Richardson: I had formerly been a teacher and had done corporate training before I started my own company that designs custom-tailored sales-training systems for corporations.

The first four months, I had no clients. I told myself to practice what I preached: 'The next sales call, I'm not going to mention my product until the meeting is over.

I'm going to build rapport and spend time on the client's needs so I can position my product.' I braced myself and did it. At the end of the meeting, the man said, 'You knocked my socks off. When do we start?' The major difference was in asking for the client's needs, probing deeper and deeper, and really understanding what the organization was about, what they wanted to achieve and why.

2” Edited by James H. We wrote in our own page numbers as a reference point. The Book of Meqabyan I The Book of Meqabyan II The Book of Meqabyan III The Book of Meqabyan I-III is available for purchase from Lulu in print and pdf form. Ethiopian history. The Book of Fourth Baruch or Paralipomena of Jeremiah 4 Baruch is unfortunately not available for purchase as a single volume, it is however included in “The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha Vol. Although we are very grateful to have translations of Meqabyan I – III in English the print and PDF versions unfortunately do not include the verse numbers or page numbers.

Shari Posey: When I introduced my audio-tape series at a trade show, I negotiated for a larger space so I could have room to conduct informational seminars on my product. I invited several of the entrepreneurs featured on my audio-tape series to speak on how they started their businesses and to answer questions from the audience.

These informational sessions, I believe, were one reason I sold so many tapes at the trade show. Giving out information is a strong statement that you care about your prospective customers and are willing to give them something for free, whether or not they buy your product or service. Giving out free information also sets you apart from your competitors, most of whom focus strictly on a heavy-duty sales pitch. When you host an informational session, select a speaker who can make a dynamic presentation, and who can articulate the benefits of your product or service.

This article first appeared in the April 1997 issue of Business Start-Ups magazine. Former corporate public affairs executive Carla Goodman writes on a wide range of business topics.

We all remember with what intense delight, as children, we listened to the never tiring fairy tale. How eagerly we followed the fluctuating fortunes of the good boy or girl, ever protected, in the hour of crisis, from the evil machinations of the scheming witch, the cruel giant, or the wicked king. And our little hearts never faltered for the fate of the hero or heroine, nor did we doubt their ultimate triumph over all their enemies, for we knew that the fairies were infallible, and that they would never desert those who had consecrated themselves to the good and the true. And what unspeakable joy pulsated within us when the Fairy-Queen, bringing all her magic to bear at the critical moment, scattered all the darkness and trouble, and granted them the complete satisfaction of all their hopes, and they were 'happy ever after.' With the accumulating years, and an ever-increasing intimacy with the so-called 'realities' of life, our beautiful fairy-world became obliterated, and its wonderful inhabitants were relegated, in the archives of memory, to the shadowy and unreal.

And we thought we were wise and strong in thus leaving for ever the land of childish dreams, but as we re-become little children in the wondrous world of wisdom, we shall return again to the inspiring dreams of childhood and find that they are, after all, realities. The fairy-folk, so small and nearly always invisible, yet possessed of an all-conquering and magical power, who bestow upon the good, health, wealth, and happiness, along with all the gifts of nature in lavish profusion, start again into reality and become immortalized in the soul-realm of him who, by growth in wisdom, has entered into a knowledge of the power of thought, and the laws which govern the inner world of being. To him the fairies live again as thought-people, thought-messengers, and thought powers working in harmony with the over-ruling Good.

And they, who, day by day, endeavor to harmonize their hearts with the heart of the Supreme Good, do in reality acquire true health, wealth, and happiness. There is no protection to compare with goodness, and by 'goodness' I do not mean a mere outward conformity to the rules of morality; I mean pure thought, noble aspiration, unselfish love, and freedom from vainglory. To dwell continually in good thoughts, is to throw around oneself a psychic atmosphere of sweetness and power which leaves its impress upon all who come in contact with it. As the rising sun puts to rout the helpless shadows, so are all the impotent forces of evil put to flight by the searching rays of positive thought which shine forth from a heart made strong in purity and faith. Where there is sterling faith and uncompromising purity there is health, there is success, there is power.

In such a one, disease, failure, and disaster can find no lodgment, for there is nothing on which they can feed. Even physical conditions are largely determined by mental states, and to this truth the scientific world is rapidly being drawn. The old, materialistic belief that a man is what his body makes him, is rapidly passing away, and is being replaced by the inspiring belief that man is superior to his body, and that his body is what he makes it by the power of thought. Men everywhere are ceasing to believe that a man is despairing because he is dyspeptic, and are coming to understand that he is dyspeptic because he is despairing, and in the near future, the fact that all disease has its origin in the mind will become common knowledge. There is no evil in the universe but has its root and origin in the mind, and sin, sickness, sorrow, and affliction do not, in reality, belong to the universal order, are not inherent in the nature of things, but are the direct outcome of our ignorance of the right relations of things. According to tradition, there once lived, in India, a school of philosophers who led a life of such absolute purity and simplicity that they commonly reached the age of one hundred and fifty years, and to fall sick was looked upon by them as an unpardonable disgrace, for it was considered to indicate a violation of law. The sooner we realize and acknowledge that sickness, far from being the arbitrary visitation of an offended God, or the test of an unwise Providence, is the result of our own error or sin, the sooner shall we enter upon the highway of health.

Disease comes to those who attract it, to those whose minds and bodies are receptive to it, and flees from those whose strong, pure, and positive thought-sphere generates healing and life-giving currents. If you are given to anger, worry, jealousy, greed, or any other inharmonious state of mind, and expect perfect physical health, you are expecting the impossible, for you are continually sowing the seeds of disease in your mind.

Such conditions of mind are carefully shunned by the wise man, for he knows them to be far more dangerous than a bad drain or an infected house. If you would be free from all physical aches and pains, and would enjoy perfect physical harmony, then put your mind in order, and harmonize your thoughts. Think joyful thoughts; think loving thoughts; let the elixir of goodwill course through your veins, and you will need no other medicine. Put away your jealousies, your suspicions, your worries, your hatreds, your selfish indulgences, and you will put away your dyspepsia, your biliousness, your nervousness and aching joints. If you will persist in clinging to these debilitating and demoralizing habits of mind, then do not complain when your body is laid low with sickness.

The following story illustrates the close relation that exists between habits of mind and bodily conditions. A certain man was afflicted with a painful disease, and he tried one physician after another, but all to no purpose. He then visited towns which were famous for their curative waters, and after having bathed in them all, his disease was more painful than ever. One night he dreamed that a Presence came to him and said, 'Brother, hast thou tried all the means of cure?'

And he replied, 'I have tried all.' 'Nay,' said the Presence, 'Come with me, and I will show thee a healing bath which has escaped thy notice.' The afflicted man followed, and the Presence led him to a clear pool of water, and said, 'Plunge thyself in this water and thou shalt surely recover,' and thereupon vanished. The man plunged into the water, and on coming out, Io! His disease had left him, and at the same moment he saw written above the pool the word 'Renounce.' Upon waking, the fall meaning of his dream flashed across his mind, and looking within he discovered that he had, all along, been a victim to a sinful indulgence, and he vowed that he would renounce it for ever.

He carried out his vow, and from that day his affliction began to leave him, and in a short time he was completely restored to health. Many people complain that they have broken down through over-work.


In the majority of such cases the breakdown is more frequently the result of foolishly wasted energy. If you would secure health you must learn to work without friction. To become anxious or excited or to worry over needless details is to invite a breakdown. Work, whether of brain or body, is beneficial and health-giving, and the man who can work with a steady and calm persistency, freed from all anxiety and worry, and with his mind utterly oblivious to all but the work he has in hand, will not only accomplish far more than the man who is always hurried and anxious, but he will retain his health, a boon which the other quickly forfeits.

True health and true success go together, for they are inseparably intertwined in the thought-realm. As mental harmony produces bodily health, so it also leads to a harmonious sequence in the actual working out of one's plans. Order your thoughts and you will order your life. Pour the oil of tranquility upon the turbulent waters of the passions and prejudices, and the tempests of misfortune, howsoever they may threaten, will be powerless to wreck the barque of your soul, as it threads its way across the ocean of life. And if that barque be piloted by a cheerful and never-failing faith its course will be doubly sure, and many perils will pass it by which would otherwise attack it. By the power of faith every enduring work is accomplished.

Faith in the Supreme; faith in the over-ruling Law; faith in your work, and in your power to accomplish that work—here is the rock upon which you must build if you would achieve, if you would stand and not fall. To follow, under all circumstances, the highest promptings within you; to be always true to the divine self; to rely upon the inward Light, the inward Voice, and to pursue your purpose with a fearless and restful heart, believing that the future will yield unto you the need of every thought and effort; knowing that the laws of the universe can never fail, and that your own will come back to you with mathematical exactitude, this is faith and the living of faith. By the power of such a faith the dark waters of uncertainty are divided, every mountain of difficulty crumbles away, and the believing soul passes on unharmed. Strive, O reader!

To acquire, above everything, the priceless possession of this dauntless faith, for it is the talisman of happiness, of success, of peace, of power, of all that makes life great and superior to suffering. Build upon such a faith, and you build upon the Rock of the Eternal, and with the materials of the Eternal, and the structure that you erect will never be dissolved, for it will transcend all the accumulations of material luxuries and riches, the end of which is dust.

Whether you are hurled into the depths of sorrow or lifted upon the heights of joy, ever retain your hold upon this faith, ever return to it as your rock of refuge, and keep your feet firmly planted upon its immortal and immovable base. Centered in such a faith, you will become possessed of such a spiritual strength as will shatter, like so many toys of glass, all the forces of evil that are hurled against you, and you will achieve a success such as the mere striver after worldly gain can never know or even dream of. 'If ye have faith and doubt not, ye shall not only do thisbut if ye shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea, it shall be done.' There are those today, men and women tabernacled in flesh and blood, who have realized this faith, who live in it and by it day by day, and who, having put it to the uttermost test, have entered into the possession of its glory and peace. Such have sent out the word of command, and the mountains of sorrow and disappointment, of mental weariness and physical pain have passed from them, and have been cast into the sea of oblivion. If you will become possessed of this faith you will not need to trouble about your success or failure, and success will come.

You will not need to become anxious about results, but will work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results. I know a lady who has entered into many blissful satisfactions, and recently a friend remarked to her, 'Oh, how fortunate you are! You only have to wish for a thing, and it comes to you.' And it did, indeed, appear so on the surface; but in reality all the blessedness that has entered into this woman's life is the direct outcome of the inward state of blessedness which she has, throughout life, been cultivating and training toward perfection. Mere wishing brings nothing but disappointment; it is living that tells. The foolish wish and grumble; the wise, work and wait.

And this woman had worked; worked without and within, but especially within upon heart and soul; and with the invisible hands of the spirit she had built up, with the precious stones of faith, hope, joy, devotion, and love, a fair temple of light, whose glorifying radiance was ever round about her. It beamed in her eye; it shone through her countenance; it vibrated in her voice; and all who came into her presence felt its captivating spell. And as with her, so with you.

Your success, your failure, your influence, and your whole life you carry about with you, for your dominant trends of thought are the determining factors in your destiny. Send forth loving, stainless, and happy thoughts, and blessings will fall into your hands, and your table will be spread with the cloth of peace. Send forth hateful, impure, and unhappy thoughts, and curses will rain down upon you, and fear and unrest will wait upon your pillow. You are the unconditional maker of your fate, be that fate what it may. Every moment you are sending forth from you the influences which will make or mar your life. Let your heart grow large and loving and unselfish, and great and lasting will be your influence and success, even though you make little money.

Confine it within the narrow limits of self-interest, and even though you become a millionaire your influence and success, at the final reckoning will be found to be utterly insignificant. Cultivate, then, this pure and unselfish spirit, and combine with purity and faith, singleness of purpose, and you are evolving from within the elements, not only of abounding health and enduring success, but of greatness and power.

If your present position is distasteful to you, and your heart is not in your work, nevertheless perform your duties with scrupulous diligence, and whilst resting your mind in the idea that the better position and greater opportunities are waiting for you, ever keep an active mental outlook for budding possibilities, so that when the critical moment arrives, and the new channel presents itself, you will step into it with your mind fully prepared for the undertaking, and with that intelligence and foresight which is born of mental discipline. Whatever your task may be, concentrate your whole mind upon it, throw into it all the energy of which you are capable. The faultless completion of small tasks leads inevitably to larger tasks.

See to it that you rise by steady climbing, and you will never fall. And herein lies the secret of true power.

Learn, by constant practice, how to husband your resources, and to concentrate them, at any moment, upon a given point. The foolish waste all their mental and spiritual energy in frivolity, foolish chatter, or selfish argument, not to mention wasteful physical excesses.

If you would acquire overcoming power you must cultivate poise and passivity. You must be able to stand alone. All power is associated with immovability. The mountain, the massive rock, the storm-tried oak, all speak to us of power, because of their combined solitary grandeur and defiant fixity; while the shifting sand, the yielding twig, and the waving reed speak to us of weakness, because they are movable and non-resistant, and are utterly useless when detached from their fellows.

He is the man of power who, when all his fellows are swayed by some emotion or passion, remains calm and unmoved. He only is fitted to command and control who has succeeded in commanding and controlling himself. The hysterical, the fearful, the thoughtless and frivolous, let such seek company, or they will fall for lack of support; but the calm, the fearless, the thoughtful, and let such seek the solitude of the forest, the desert, and the mountaintop, and to their power more power will be added, and they will more and more successfully stem the psychic currents and whirlpools which engulf mankind.

Passion is not power; it is the abuse of power, the dispersion of power. Passion is like a furious storm which beats fiercely and wildly upon the embattled rock whilst power is like the rock itself, which remains silent and unmoved through it all. That was a manifestation of true power when Martin Luther, wearied with the persuasions of his fearful friends, who were doubtful as to his safety should he go to Worms, replied, 'If there were as many devils in Worms as there are tiles on the housetops I would go.' And when Benjamin Disraeli broke down in his first Parliamentary speech, and brought upon himself the derision of the House, that was an exhibition of germinal power when he exclaimed, 'The day will come when you will consider it an honor to listen to me.' When that young man, whom I knew, passing through continual reverses and misfortunes, was mocked by his friends and told to desist from further effort, and he replied, 'The time is not far distant when you will marvel at my good fortune and success,' he showed that he was possessed of that silent and irresistible power which has taken him over innumerable difficulties, and crowned his life with success. If you have not this power, you may acquire it by practice, and the beginning of power is likewise the beginning of wisdom. You must commence by overcoming those purposeless trivialities to which you have hitherto been a willing victim.

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Boisterous and uncontrolled laughter, slander and idle talk, and joking merely to raise a laugh, all these things must be put on one side as so much waste of valuable energy. Paul never showed his wonderful insight into the hidden laws of human progress to greater advantage than when he warned the Ephesians against 'Foolish talking and jesting which is not convenient,' for to dwell habitually in such practices is to destroy all spiritual power and life. As you succeed in rendering yourself impervious to such mental dissipations you will begin to understand what true power is, and you will then commence to grapple with the more powerful desires and appetites which hold your soul in bondage, and bar the way to power, and your further progress will then be made clear.

Above all be of single aim; have a legitimate and useful purpose, and devote yourself unreservedly to it. Let nothing draw you aside; remember that the double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Be eager to learn, but slow to beg. Have a thorough understanding of your work, and let it be your own; and as you proceed, ever following the inward Guide, the infallible Voice, you will pass on from victory to victory, and will rise step by step to higher resting-places, and your ever-broadening outlook will gradually reveal to you the essential beauty and purpose of life. Self-purified, health will be yours; faith-protected, success will be yours; self-governed, power will be yours, and all that you do will prosper, for, ceasing to be a disjointed unit, self-enslaved, you will be in harmony with the Great Law, working no longer against, but with, the Universal Life, the Eternal Good. And what health you gain it will remain with you; what success you achieve will be beyond all human computation, and will never pass away; and what influence and power you wield will continue to increase throughout the ages, for it will be a part of that unchangeable Principle which supports the universe.

This, then, is the secret of health—a pure heart and a well-ordered mind; this is the secret of success—an unfaltering faith, and a wisely-directed purpose; and to rein in, with unfaltering will, the dark steed of desire, this is the secret of power. All ways are waiting for my feet to tread, The light and dark, the living and the dead, The broad and narrow way, the high and low, The good and bad, and with quick step or slow, I now may enter any way I will, And find, by walking, which is good, which ill.

And all good things my wandering feet await, If I but come, with vow inviolate, Unto the narrow, high and holy way Of heart-born purity, and therein stay; Walking, secure from him who taunts and scorns, To flowery meads, across the path of thorns. And I may stand where health, success, and power Await my coming, if, each fleeting hour, I cling to love and patience; and abide With stainlessness; and never step aside From high integrity; so shall I see At last the land of immortality. And I may seek and find; I may achieve, I may not claim, but, losing, may retrieve. The law bends not for me, but I must bend Unto the law, if I would reach the end Of my afflictions, if I would restore My soul to Light and Life, and weep no more. Not mine the arrogant and selfish claim To all good things; be mine the lowly aim To seek and find, to know and comprehend, And wisdom-ward all holy footsteps wend, Nothing is mine to claim or to command, But all is mine to know and understand. Listen to this chapter using the player below. You may also listen to the entire book on the.

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